The Silly People Shows

(Free Style Variety)
An interactive comedy and skill show, featuring a bit of juggling, a touch of diabolo, a hint of yo-yo, some audience participation, lots of laughs and perhaps just a little danger. Whether indoors or outside, on a stage or on the street, this show is very flexible and can be adapted to fit any venue or audience.
(show length 10 - 60 min)
Make every day like Cinco de Mayo with your very own Human Piñata. Suspended from an 18 foot high aerial rig is a world class acrobat who bounces, flips and dodges while children attempt to hit the Piñata with pool noodles. If the kids hit it hard enough candy flies out, just like a regular Piñata. The colourful costume, amazing aerial feats and comedic banter make this an impossible to miss installation. The Human Piñata is also offered as a roving character, without the aerial rig, but with all of the fun.
(show set length 20 min)
Not everyone is comfortable with public speaking, so let us take care of it for you! We love to hear ourselves speak publicly. Banquets, conventions, fundraisers, company parties, gala openings and weddings are just some of the functions that run more smoothly with a professional MC. Our experience as performers and event producers give us the ability to help you get the most out of your event.

Modern mime characters Proctor & Gamble may look like they belong on Bay Street but looks can be deceiving. Equipped with their cell phones and briefcases, they create silent comedy out of seemingly mundane objects. Sometimes bizarre, often absurd, always amusing, Proctor & Gamble have expanded from their origins in "Fly Fishing" to create a series of set pieces and interludes.
(show set length 10 - 30 min)
The Silly People have teamed up with comedy engineer Mike Wood to bring you "Versus", a show about competition and corporate greed run amok. Cutbacks at Wood Corp. have led to downsizing and, with the help of the audience, Mr. Wood must decide whether Phil gets fired or Colin keeps his job. Clothespins, spray bottles and hard boiled eggs are just a few of the tools used to find out who is redundant and who is moving up the corporate ladder.
(show length 20 - 45 min)
Phil LeConte, founding partner of the world famous comedy duo, The Silly People, has formed a unique show involving quick wit, satirical and physical comedy, along with the occasional expert circus skill. Phil is a master at improv, yo-yos, audience interaction, and above all, he exudes fun. He will encourage stupid by using everyday household items, along with the sheer will and determination to get a laugh!
Silly Phil has performed around the globe in over 20 different countries for the last 20 years. You might not fully understand it, but you will most likely pee your pants with laughter.
(show length 10 - 45 min)