The Silly People - Show Schedule
Saturday, June 11, 2016
King Streetery Food Truck Festival, Downtown Kitchener
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The Eglington Way Street Festival, Toronto
The Silly People Productions & Events

February 23 - 25, 2017
The 5th Annual Port Credit Comedy Festival featuring some of the biggest comics in the world.

February 27 - March 1, 2017
The 2nd Annual Burlington Comedy Festival featuring some of the biggest comics in the world.

March 2 - 4, 2017
The 8th Annual Kitchener-Waterloo Comedy Festival featuring some of the biggest comics in the world.
Production and Event Credits
- Directors, Producers, Performers for over 25 Silly People presents Variety Shows
- Directors, Edmonton International Street Performers Late Night Show, 2002 & 2005
- Directors, Waterloo Buskers Late Night Show 2002 & 2003
- Directors, Waterloo Buskers Vaudeville Show 2003
- Directors, Producers, Creators, Waterloo Busker Indoor Variety Shows, 2003 & 2004
- Directors, Hosts, Waterloo Buskers Sponsor Gala, 2003
- Directors, Producers, Creators, Orangeville Buskers Festival Variety Show, 2004
- Performer Managers, Orangeville Buskers Festival 2004
- Performer Managers, Plymouth Fall Festival Street Performers Program, 2004 - 2006
- Talent Scouts for Winnipeg International Children's Festival and C.A.M.P. program, 2002 - present
- Directors, Hosts, Windsor International Buskers Festival Finale Show, 2001
- Directors, Hosts, Toronto Buskers Festival Finale Show, 2005
- Directors, Hosts, Dundas International Buskers Festival Charity Fire Show, 2002
- Directors, Hosts, Festival of Fools, Winnipeg, to support Clowns Without Borders, 2003-2005
- Directors, Producers, Performers, Circus Wunderbar 2005
- Directors, Hosts, Coffs Harbour Sponsors Gala, Australia, 2003 & 2004
- Executive Directors and Producers, Waterloo Arts Festival, 2006 - 2010
- Executive Directors and Producers, Kitchener-Waterloo Comedy Festival, 2010 - present
- Executive Directors and Producers, Port Credit Comedy Festival, 2012 - present